By Andy Young
Western Australian banner group Liquor Barons has established a new banner group. Bucks Off already has six members and general manager Chris OBrien is hopeful of further growth.
Speaking to TheShout at the ALSA Conference in Darwin, OBrien says that Bucks Off came about through the need to offer retailers a different banner to Liquor Barons.
He said: Liquor Barons has had an extraordinary amount of growth over the last three or four years and we now have a little more than 65 sites and were predominately metropolitan and only Western Australia. That success has been driven by differentiating our offer in the market place. So effectively becoming the premium independent focusing on premium wine at $15+ and particularly West Australian, craft beer and spirits.
Over the last year or so weve got to a point where some good stores that are good operators have approached us, but we know it wont work because they are a convenience-based or beer and bourbon-based and our mix of specialised SKUs isnt going to work in their store.
So my conundrum and by extension that of our board became, what do we do because we didnt want to dilute our consumer position. Do we pretend its not happening and continue to bring these stores in, or do we say really sorry, its not working, go find somewhere else?
Ultimately we created an opportunity to run a second consumer brand and make no mistake they are differentiated. Liquor Barons still maintains its premium independent positioning and Bucks Off gives us a capability to build a consumer-focused brand thats very differentiated from Liquor Barons and is focused on the convenience space, particularly with an outstanding beer offer and premix offer. It carries a little more mainstream beers and a little less premium wine and a range of products and a promotional program thats more in tune with a convenience offer.
The new group launched around four weeks ago with five large hotel bottleshops under the banner. OBrien added that a sixth hotel has joined the group and two more are expected to be on-board soon.
Although the current Bucks Off members are hotels, OBrien told TheShout that the new banner is not exclusively for hotels.
He said: When we set out to put this into play our expectation was that the majority of stores in the group will be hotels with drive-throughs, but that certainly doesnt mean that if a standalone liquor store comes along and thats the set of consumers they are selling to, that store wont go into the group. So fundamentally this is convenience based, its drive-through liquor, its beer and bourbon stand-alone liquor stores. So predominately but not exclusively hotels.
In terms of what membership offers, OBrien added: Anyone joining the banner group will enjoy the benefits, expertise and success of Liquor Barons in terms of its ability to market to a more focused group of consumers that are more suited to your demographic. There is a very strong margin story in the cooperative.
For any retailer who chooses to join our cooperative Bucks Off is not a secondary banner. A Bucks Off member has the same full set of rights and obligations as a Liquor Barons member, there is no differentiation within our group. The only difference is the signage above the door.
It is exciting, we think the time is right, weve thought long and hard about our expansion and we think that the future for us lies in this retail specialisation.
OBrien added that anyone interested in joining the new group can contact him directly or the Liquor Barons head office.